Haven Season 2 Episode 7

Haven Season 2 Episode 7
Welcome back fans Films Haven, Haven has entered this time Season 2 Episode 7. story more interesting than the previous week.
The film is in the starring by talented artists, including by:

  • Emily Rose
  • Eric Balfour
  • Lucas Bryant
And much more talented stars who helped him.

Deep in the heart of Maine, Haven is a town where people with supernatural abilities have migrated for generations because it mutes their powers, allowing them to lead normal lives. At least, until recently. When hot-shot FBI agent Audrey Parker is called to Haven to solve the murder of a local ex-con, she catches the killer but uncovers a much deeper mystery about this town. Each week, as the town-peoples’ dormant powers begin to express themselves, Audrey will try to keep these supernatural forces at bay while unraveling the many mysteries of Haven - including one surrounding her own surprising past in this extraordinary place.

Chris Brody wakes Audrey up with a kiss. He has made plans for Audrey's day off. Downstairs Duke is putting up a sign for Taco Tuesday. Audrey and Chris sneak by and make it to the car before Duke sees them and attempts to remind Audrey about the rent. Audrey has a chore to do before they can relax. She goes to the school. A couple is arguing in a car and a boy goes by without a helmet. Audrey goes in and talks to a class about her job. Then one girl asks if Audrey hers is a real gun and can she fire it while a boy asks her if she has broken the law. At this point she gets Chris to talk to them. Outside, Chris explains that he's supposed to be in London trying to get funding for his work, but prefers to stay with her. Audrey gets a call from Nathan. There is a crime scene and when she arrives Nathan stops her from seeing it. He shows her a bloody green child's tennis shoes.
Chris wakes Audrey up with a kiss. And Audrey thinks she experiences deja vu. Downstairs, Duke is writing a sign. She gives Duke a check for the rent and goes to the school with Chris. She knows the children's questions. She leaves Chris and meets Nathan at the police station, telling him of her day repeating and the death. Audrey thinks her knowledge can help them get ahead of what's happening. She keeps in contact with Nathan by phone as they each look for signs. Duke calls out to Audrey. She'd forgot to sign the check, so she signs it and he goes off to the bank, but on the way he is knocked down in a hit-and-run. She reaches him and says he wasn't supposed to be there, then remembers the rent check. Duke dies and Chris wakes her up with a kiss.

Then What about the next story? It must make you curious. Do not forget the rest of the story in another article next week.
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