Suits Season 1 Episode 11

Suits Season 1 Episode 11
Welcome viewers Suits. This drama is very interesting for you watch because the story is very interesting that unfortunately if you miss. This time the film enters Suits Season 1 Episode 11 and the story more exciting and intriguing.

The film story begins: Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams) is a brilliant college dropout. Mike's childhood dreams of Becoming a lawyer are derailed after unforeseen circumstances lead him to drop out of college. Naturally intelligent and with an eidetic memory, Mike makes a living taking tests for other people, particularly LSATs and bar exams. Harvey Specter is one of New York City's top attorneys and has recently been Promoted to senior partner at his firm and is forced by company policy to hire an associate. After accidentally running into Mike, Harvey is impressed by the younger man's quick wits, his encyclopedic knowledge of the law, and his genuine desire to be an attorney, and hires him. Due to the fact That Mike's lacks a law degree, and Because of the which firm policy Favors Harvard alums, They Both pretend That Mike is a Harvard graduate.
At the firm, Mike is continuously hounded by the junior partner of Louis Litt (Rick Hoffman), a rival of Harvey's Who is Suspicious of Mike's credentials. Mike is eventually befriended by Rachel (Meghan Markle), a paralegal, Whose testing anxiety has prevented her from Becoming a lawyer, and the two soon develop a mutual attraction. Mike and Harvey Often come into conflict over Mike's naivete and ethical scruples and Harvey's hard charging and seemingly uncaring demeanor.

It's late, and Mike Ross is rounding first with Jenny at his apartment when Harvey calls from the office. Harvey tells Mike that they have to fire Stan Jacobson, the senior vice president of their client and accounting firm, Dreibach Accounting. Apparently, Jacobson lied on his resume about having gone to business school and having a CPA license. The similarities to Mike's situation aren't lost on him.
Once Harvey gets Jacobson into his office, he and Mike find out that the accounting company had known about Jacobson's fake resume for the past five years. Jacobson claims he's getting railroaded about his credentials because he recently discovered some illicit book-cooking. Jacobson storms out of the office without signing his severance package that includes a confidentiality agreement.
Mike and Harvey have to decide whether to uncover what's happening behind closed doors at Dreibach Accounting or get Jacobson to sign away his career.

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